Friday, February 22, 2013

If I'm So Great Then Why Am I Still Single??

I’m educated, no kids, have my own place, car, investments & good credit. I have so much to offer so why am I still single?”
This is a question that has been asked by many women, me included. Over months of reflection I found the answer to be “why not?” Accolades and accomplishments are wonderful to have, however they are not a depiction of how well you can handle dating and relationships. Having good credit is a plus especially in this economy, but again it does not determine how well you should fare in dating.
The emphasis should not be on how to get a decent date, but rather what you can do to make yourself happy. Perhaps it could be finding a new hobby, learning a new language, doing community service or if you have the funds —- travel abroad. By finding out your path to happiness, worrying about being single would be the last thing on your mind. So I’m sure you want to know…”how can I find out what makes me happy?” Reflection, prayer and meditation are a few things, but the choices are endless.  With most choices there is a re-occurring theme —-reflection. That’s right in order to find happiness you have to take a long, hard look within yourself and examine the “good, bad, and ugly”.
I can say that looking at the bad and ugly was quite difficult, took some time, but very necessary. Throughout my process I’ve learned that my accolades do not determine whether or not I should be in a relationship. The only thing that I’m entitled to is creating my own happiness.

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